Periodontal Disease May Lead to Diabetes

As science continues to uncover additional evidence that poor oral hygiene leads to internal organ disease, a new study suggests that periodontitis, a serious and often ignored gum disease, may be a precursor to diabetes.

To further explore this theory the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands tested 313 patients. With 126 of them having mild-to-moderate gum disease, 78 having severe gum disease and the remaining 198 having no sign of oral infection.

     A blood test that checks HbA1c values was conducted on all of the patients to determine whether a person is prediabetic. The results indicated the test subjects with the highest levels of HbA1c were those with the most severe cases of periodontal disease.

Unsurprisingly, those same tests showed the second most likely to develop diabetes were those with mild-to-moderate periodontitis. And those without any sign of periodontal disease in most cases fell well below the prediabetic levels.

Because of the growing correlation between periodontal disease and internal organ disease, loss of functionality, and in the most severe cases complete organ failure, many in the health- related sciences are calling for more stringent and invasive examinations of those with oral disease, to prevent more serious and more costly health care and likely hospitalization at a later date.

 Others feel it is unnecessary because there is no empirical evidence that links the two. They point out that many of the test subjects with the severest cases of periodontal disease had no signs of prediabetes. Whereas some of the test subjects with no oral disease did test positive for prediabetes.

Still, those with periodontal disease tested considerably higher than those without gum disease. 

Across the globe, diabetes affects over 400 million people. With several million more affected but not yet diagnosed. These statistics come from the CDC (The Centers for Disease Control.)

With recent science establishing that the mouth is the first line of defense when it comes to protecting the body against health destroying bacteria, the best way to ensure continued oral health is to follow the proven methods that prevent oral disease.

Which is to brush at least twice a day, floss or oral irrigate, then rinse with a fluoride mouthwash. This three-prong defensive first removes the plaque film from the teeth. Second, an oral irrigator like the Oral Breeze effectively blasts the trapped food particles out of the mouth so bacteria can’t breed and third, a fluoride mouthwash finally eliminates what little bacteria remain.

 Want to keep a healthy body? Then start with a healthy mouth.