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What Exactly Is Oral Irrigation?


When attached to a water tap, oral irrigators work like a small garden hose to flood the mouth and gum pockets with a jet of water under pressure to flush offending food particles and toxic bacteria and plaque from below the gum line.

The warm water massaging action stimulates gums, increasing blood flow which further promotes healing. In addition, this stream effectively cleans braces, implants, and under bridgework.

There Are Two Types of Oral Irrigators

All Oral irrigators come with an adapter to attach the irrigator to a water tap. Extending from the adapter is a hose that ends with a water concentrator tip called a Pik that directs water towards the teeth and gums.

You use one type of oral irrigator while standing at your bathroom sink, the other while you are in the shower. In each case the device is attached to a water source (sink tap or shower pipe) and you control the temperature and water pressure.

Steps in Effective Oral Irrigation

  1. Adjust water pressure and temperature
  2. Put the Pik end in your mouth to focus the water
  3. Keep your mouth open to let excess water drain out
  4. Angle the tip of the Pik so the stream points below the gums
  5. Run the stream back and forth against your front teeth and gums
  6. Repeat with the back teeth and gums
  7. The entire process can take about 15 to 30 seconds

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