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Gum Disease and Diabetes

There are nearly 30 million American with Diabetes. Countless millions more across the globe. The sad thing about it is in many cases contracting that hideous condition could have been avoided.  What is even more disconcerting is that one condition often leads to the other.

That’s right, those with gum disease are far more likely to contract diabetes than those with a healthy mouth. Conversely, those with diabetes are far more likely to contract gum disease. Which includes Thrush, an infection that grows inside the mouth. As well as dry mouth, a condition that often leads to oral soreness, ulcers, bacterial infection, and cavities.

And that just may be the more dangerous of the two because gum disease is also linked to heart disease, kidney disease, throat cancer and a myriad of other life-threatening conditions.

The link between gum disease and diabetes was discovered when researchers noticed that oral disease affects blood glucose and that those with diabetes often contract gum disease because the condition makes them more susceptible to bacterial infection.

So let’s address the problem. If you have let your oral health slip into disrepair, make an appointment with your dentist now to resolve that issue. I don’t need to tell you that a bi-yearly visit to the dentist is far less painful than having to inject insulin into your body either with needles or insulin pumps.

Next, if you’re a smoker, it’s time to stop. There is nothing advantageous health-wise by smoking and the disadvantages are too numerous to mention.

If you wear dentures or partials, clean them daily. Brush, oral irrigate and use a fluoride mouthwash at least twice a day. Although many dentists recommend flossing, an oral irrigator like the Oral Breeze is far more effective when it comes to removing hidden food particles which are the cause of bacterial infection in the mouth.

Another important point is to make sure everyone involved in your healthcare is fully aware of what medicines you take, your exercise regimen, your mental health (anxiety attacks depression, OCD, or phobias) your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and just about anything that will keep your medications from countering each other or worsen an existing condition.

Diabetes is on the rise, leads to a shortened life-span, and requires constant vigilance regarding your health.

To avoid serious health concerns, make sure you have a healthy mouth. See your dentist twice a year, Brush twice a day, irrigate with the Oral Breeze and cleanse with a fluoride mouthwash.

You’ll feel a lot better if you do.

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