In a recent movie, Batman asks Superman, “Do you bleed?” and when Superman ignores the inquiry, Batman adds, “You will!”
What’s the point?
Bleeding is a sign that your body is in distress. It is not a normal, common occurrence. You don’t bleed while taking a shower, you don’t bleed when you wash your hands before eating, so why do so many of us ignore the blood when we rinse out our mouths after brushing?
Well, to be honest, nobody died from bleeding gums.
Or have they?
Most people don’t realize that oral disease is a silent enemy. An inconspicuous enemy. One you barely notice until you jump out of bed in the middle of the night with a blinding toothache.
And that’s not the worst of it.
Because you have a severe toothache now, means the oral bacteria that brought about that condition has had time to seep into the lesions it created between your teeth and gums and has entered the bloodstream highway. Giving that illness creating bacteria access to virtually every organ in your body.
How many people are stunned to discover they have a weak heart, or kidney trouble or liver disease especially when they were non-smokers, non-drinkers, regularly exercised and ate a healthy diet.
It seems so unfair especially when they followed the rules, did the right thing, took care of their bodies.
Unfortunately, they failed to take action when they noticed their gums were bleeding. Failed to heed the warning.
To be fair, there are some conditions where the gums bleed when no oral bacteria is present. Some women have noticed that their gums bleed during their menstrual cycle. Some during pregnancy, others during menopause.
Yes, hormonal imbalances can bring about bleeding gums in women during certain times, however, the bleeding stops once the hormone imbalance returns to normal. If they continue to bleed, then make an appointment with your dentist immediately. Your overall health depends on it. Because when gums bleed, in most cases it’s an early warning sign that:
You’ve contracted an oral disease
Have a Vitamin K and Vitamin C deficiency.
Your blood cells aren’t clotting properly.
Take immediate action if you suffer sudden and severe gum bleeding because that is often an indication of the onset of a serious physical illness, like diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.
What if you have received a clean bill of health from your dentist. That’s great. But how do you keep it that way? Studies have shown that the best way to maintain oral health is to brush twice a day, use an oral irrigator and rise with a germ killing, fluoride mouthwash.
Oral disease begins when bacteria find food particles to fester and grow. This is why dentist recommends flossing, but flossing often isn’t enough. Flossing is often ineffective when it comes to removing trapped food particles in hard to reach places.
This is where an oral irrigator like the Oral Breeze can ensure oral health because the Oral Breeze uses a pressurized water stream to literally blast trapped and hidden food particles from the mouth.
No hidden food particles? No bacteria, no tooth decay or gum disease.