What is your connection to gum disease?
Pain. Gum disease is something most people do not think about until they have it. And I was no different. In 1973, at the age of 30, I was diagnosed with gum disease.
What professional help did you get?
For 24 years, I spent 1,000's of dollars trying to save my teeth and control my periodontal disease. Despite quarterly trips to my periodontist to cleanse my aching gums, nothing worked. In fact, my teeth became so loose that I developed a wide gap between my front teeth resembling Alfred E. Neumann from Mad Magazine fame. In 1997, my periodontist was scheduled to shave my gums to stop them from receding. In addition, I was to get a tetracycline implant to stop the infection. The next step would be - tooth extraction.
There had to be a more effective, less intrusive way to treat this disease.
What was your breakthrough moment?
Actually, there were two.
First, I discovered a dental hygienist that cared enough to get through to me. She convinced me that treating my ailing gums was in my own hands. Simple, I needed to irrigate my gums and teeth at bedtime. Unlike flossing, irrigation (water pressure cleaning) blasts off the loosely attached plaque and tonight's snack of popcorn that's hiding under my gum line. Germs and stray pieces of food have no place to hide.
Water Jet was a start. I really bought into the irrigation message, so I purchased a brand new electric irrigator. All I had to do was use it. I would start off each week with the best intentions and by Tuesday or Wednesday, I had already stockpiled 20 or 30 reasons not to use my expensive irrigation device. When I went to bed, the last thing I wanted to do was prepare the contraption and then clean up afterward. I knew I needed a quick and easy way to irrigate or I wouldn't do it. That's where the other breakthrough moment comes in.
You mentioned a second breakthrough moment.
You know how good ideas often come to you in the shower. That's literally what happened in 1997. While showering, it hit me. That's the best time to irrigate. I could keep that up. This new irrigator would have to be heavy duty, simple, and easy to use. That's how the ShowerBreeze™ was born, and I have been using it every day since. Next, Oral Breeze customers asked for the same easy-to-use irrigation system for gum care at the sink. The result was the popular line of QuickBreeze™ oral irrigators.
Daily irrigation for just 15 seconds with Oral Breeze products did the trick for me. I now have no periodontal pockets and my gums are firmly pressed against my teeth that no longer wiggle. Plus, I am absolutely pain-free.
It works for you; how do I know it will work for me?
There is no magic. Once you start, you won't stop. Oral Breeze irrigators are easy to use and are right in front of you all the time so there is no setup, no excuses. They're a breeze to use. That's why I called my company Oral Breeze. You don't need to take my word for it. Since 1997, Oral Breeze customers have raved about the products and the results. Take a minute to read some customer testimonials.
I am so sure you will regularly use your Oral Breeze irrigator that I offer a 30-day no-questions-asked-money-back guarantee.
Try our products for 30 days. You will get better.