With each new scientific discovery, it is becoming more and more obvious that gum disease is perhaps the most contributing factor to preventable illness and premature death and may be as life-threatening as smoking.
A recent study of patients with both cirrhosis and periodontitis revealed that, “Those patients with both conditions were less likely to survive than those with only one of the two ailments.”
The study of 184 cirrhosis patients whose oral health was assessed showed that severe periodontitis caused a higher death rate because that gum disease supplied pathogens that can cause inflammation which worsens the effects of the cirrhosis itself.
This study was unveiled at the International Liver Congress which met this year in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Dr. Phillip Newsome of the University of Birmingham in England was quoted as saying, “The study showed that the two conditions were indeed associated and a proven cause of mortality.” And along with Lea Gronhjaer PHD. Called for further trails on the subject to ascertain if improving gum care can improve the health of those patients with liver cirrhosis.
This revelation is important because according to the Centers for Disease Control, 50% of all adults aged 30 and older have some form of gum disease. In Europe 15% of the population has a severe form of the disease.
Seeing that periodontitis has been scientifically linked to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and respiratory infections it comes as no surprise that it worsens the effects of cirrhosis as well.
Several other factors were considered. Those who smoked generally had a more severe condition than those who did not.
Those whose cirrhosis was brought about by alcoholism had severer symptoms than those whose cirrhosis was brought on by autoimmune or cholestatic reasons.
The study also revealed that those with ongoing periodontitis were far more likely to die from any number of causes than those who were free of gum disease.